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When reading with your child it is important to find a book they are interested in knowing more about. I always tell the kids that good readers are "curious". They are curious what the book will be about, what the characters on the cover are doing, what will happen next, how are they going to solve their problem, etc. They are always asking questions and predicting as they read. They aren't always aware that this is a skill they should be using. As your child is reading, have them pause and ask themselves some of those questions. If they aren't able to come up with questions, have them go back and reread...ask what the problem might be in the story and how they think the author could solve it. Allow any response from them and encourage their creativity. Talk to them about their story and ask the 5 W's (who, what, when, where, and why). Have them summarize the story to you and tell you about their favorite or least favorite part. Have them tell you what they could connect with or a time they felt like one of the characters. Help build their confidence with trying new books and encouraging them along the way!


Click on the ELearning tab to find a link to raz kids which is leveled reading fit for them. You can also visit Audible for free books during this time off school!

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